

家庭资料编号. 29, 2023
作者:Karen Benjamin Guzzo和Jaden Loo

美国的出生率.S. 自经济大衰退以来稳步下降. 总生育率(TFR), which estimates the average number of births women will have if they experience current birth rates throughout their childbearing years, 是1的历史低点吗.2019年,每名妇女生育73个孩子,并进一步降至1个.64 births per woman in 2021 (Osterman, Hamilton, Martin, Driscoll, & Valenzuela, 2023). 然而, 总生育率并不能反映生育时间的变化, 尽管年轻一代的出生率有所下降, 35岁及以上的女性则有所上升(奥斯特曼等人)., 2023). 像这样, looking at the number of children ever born provides another way of examining fertility trends. 在这个配置文件中, we use data from the Current Population Survey’s (CPS) biennial June Fertility Supplement for the years 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 和 2022 to analyze completed fertility at the end of the reproductive years. We present trends in the distribution of children ever born (one, 两个, 三个, or four or more) for women aged 40-44 for the overall population 和 by race-ethnicity 和 education. 这是先前家庭档案(Guzzo & 施魏策尔,2020).


长期趋势是家庭规模变小. 1980年,平均每出生3个孩子.0. 到1990年,这一数字降至2.自2000年以来,该指数一直在1左右徘徊.9(未显示).

  • The percentage of women aged 40 to 44 who did not have a child increased from 10% in 1980 to 19% in 2000 和 has since remained roughly stable.
  • Those who only have one child nearly doubled from 10% in 1980 to 19% in 2010 和 has plateaued around level.
  • Having 两个 children has been the most common pattern since 1990, but the percentage has decreased slightly from 35% in 2000 to 32% in 2022.
  • The proportion of women with 三个 children has remained stable for nearly 三个 decades, with about 19% of women in this category from 1990 to 2010 和 20% in 2022.
  • Women with four or more children were the modal category in 1980 (33%) but represented the lowest percentage of women since 1990, 和, in 2022, 只有11%的女性有四个或更多的孩子.

图1. 1980-2022年40-44岁妇女子女数量

显示图1的图形. 1980-2022年40-44岁妇女子女数量
注:由于四舍五入的关系,可能不等于100%. 从1980年到2016年, the survey collected data on women’s total number of births, but in 2018 the CPS released top coded births at five or more. 像这样, the mean number of children for 2022 is a slight underestimate. We group four 和 five or more together due to small numbers when disaggregating across groups. Source: Authors’ analyses of CPS basic monthly 和 fertility 和 marriage data, 1980 & 2022

Trends in the Distribution of Children Ever Born by Race-Ethnicity

在一般情况下, all racial-ethnic groups considered here experienced declines in large families (4+ children) 和 growth in childlessness between 1980 和 2022. In 1980, the mean number of children was highest among Black women (4.2007),其次是西班牙裔女性(3).18),“其他”类别的女性(3).4名),白人女性(2名).81),没有显示. By 2022, the range had narrowed, with the highest mean number of children among Hispanic women (2.26),其次是布莱克(1).94),怀特(1).83),“其他”类别的女性(1).68).

  • Childlessness increased substantially across most groups from 1980 to 2022. The growth in childlessness was smallest among Hispanic women, 到2022年,其中只有12%的人没有孩子.
  • Growing shares of women aged 4-44 had only one child from 1980 to 2022 across all groups. In 2022, the greatest share having one child occurred among Black women, 对于他们来说,这是最常见的完整家庭规模.
  • All groups experienced increases in the share having 两个 children; in 2022, 它是所有组的模态类别, 除了黑人女性.
  • The percentage with 三个 children rose for Black 和 Hispanic women. 相反,在白人女性中,这一水平下降了.
  • Large families—those with four or more children—declined dramatically across all groups.

图2. Number of Children to Women Aged 40-44 by Race/Ethnicity, 1980 & 2022

显示图2的图表. Number of Children to Women Aged 40-44 by Race/Ethnicity, 1980 & 2022
Source: Authors’ analyses of CPS basic monthly 和 fertility 和 marriage data, 1980 & 2022

Trends in the Distribution of Children Ever Born by Educational Attainment

Trends in completed family size varied slightly by educational attainment. In 1980, women aged 40-44 with a bachelor’s degree or more had the lowest, at 2.20, 和 women with a high school degree or less had the highest, at 3.19(未显示). 同样的顺序在2022年仍然存在,但范围缩小了, 拥有学士学位的人的平均值为1.72 children 和 those with a high school degree or less having 2.平均14个孩子.

  • Women with a bachelor’s degree or higher were the only group to experience a decrease in childlessness from 1980 (24%) to 2022 (19%).
  • The percentage among those with a high school degree or less who had only one child doubled from 9% in 1980 to 18% in 2022.  A much smaller increase in the share having one child among women aged 40-44 was experienced by those with some college 和 with bachelor’s degree.
  • By 2022, the modal number of children ever born was 两个 across all education categories.
  • In 1980, women with a high school education or less most commonly had four or more children (38%), 但到2022年,这一比例下降了一半以上(18%)。. A similar pattern is observed for women with some college 和 a bachelor’s degree.

图3. 1980年按教育程度分列的40-44岁妇女子女数目 & 2022

图3. 1980年按教育程度分列的40-44岁妇女子女数目 & 2022
Source: Authors’ analyses of CPS basic monthly 和 fertility 和 marriage data, 1980 & 2022

洪水,年代.金,M.罗杰斯,R.拉格斯,S.沃伦·J. R.贝克曼,D.陈安.库珀,G.理查兹.Schouweiler, M., & Westberry, M. (2023). Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, Current Population Survey: Version 11.0(数据集). 明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达州:IPUMS. http://doi.org/10.18128/D030.V11.0


Guzzo K. B. & 施魏策尔,V. (2020). 1980-2018年40-44岁妇女子女数. 家庭档案,FP-20-04. 俄亥俄州鲍灵格林:国家家庭中心 & 婚姻博天堂官方网站. http://doi.org/10.25035/ncfmr/fp-20-04

奥斯特曼米. J. K.汉密尔顿,B。. E.马丁·J. A.德里斯科尔,A. K., & Valenzuela C. P. (2023). 出生:2021年的最终数据. National Vital Statistics Reports: From the Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention, 国家卫生统计中心, 国家生命统计系统, 72(1), 1–53.


Guzzo K. B. & 厕所,J. (2023). Number of Children Ever Born to Women Aged 40-44, 1980-2022. 家庭档案, FP-23-29. 俄亥俄州鲍灵格林:国家家庭中心 & 婚姻博天堂官方网站. http://doi.org/10.25035/ncfmr/fp-23-29



This project is supported with assistance from 州立鲍灵格林大学. 从2007年到2013年,美国也提供了支持.S. 卫生与公众服务部, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning 和 Evaluation. The opinions 和 conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s) 和 should not be construed as representing the opinions or policy of any agency of the state or federal government.
